After the tsunami
Scientists from India will explore the impact that might have on the Indian Ocean, the March tsunami off the coast of Japan, said Director General of Indian Meteorological Department, Ajit Tyagi."Pacific Ocean so vast that any changes that could bring the recent tsunami, will have global implications. We will study the impact of the tsunami in the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean" - Tyagi told reporters in New Delhi.
Indian scientists are now awaiting details of the impact that the tsunami had on the Pacific Ocean to begin its work in the Indian Ocean.
"We need to study ocean currents, ocean floor and ocean conditions, and how it might affect the Indian Ocean" - added Tyagi.
9 magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan on March 11. Tremors caused a tsunami more than ten meters high, which led to massive destruction. Impact of elements claimed the lives of 9.4 thousand people, more than 14.7 thousand missing.